Kiwi sorbet

A basic kiwi sorbet. One of the favorites of my youngest kid. It is a sorbet and it is green! Ingredients 250g kiwi 2 spoons of lemon juice 100ml water 100g caster sugar Method Mix the sugar and water juice together in a pan and heat it up while stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Set aside to cool completely. Put the peeled kiwi into a bowl along with lemon juice and the sirup, and turn into a cream. »

Portergaff sorbet

After a couple of years making sorbets, especially lime and lemon sorbets, I remembered the half-and-half with lemon soda and porter I have had several times over the years. A half-and-half with soda and beer, is also known as a shandy or portergaff if made with porter. In Denmark it is called “Støvle” (boot) and was very popular in the late 70’ties and early 80’ties. Ingredients 250g caster sugar around 150ml water around 250ml good strong porter 200ml freshly squeezed lemon juice. »

Lemon sorbet

The basic italien style lemon sorbet which can be found all over the internet. The favorite of my youngest kid and father-in-law. Ingredients 250g caster sugar 400ml water 200ml freshly squeezed lemon juice. I normally just use 3 lemons. 1 egg white Method Mix the sugar, water and lemon juice together in a pan and heat it up while stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Set aside to cool completely. »